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Brittany and some personal bits of info
Brittany and some personal bits of info


I hold a Bachelor of Science in Wellness & Alternative Medicine from Johnson State College, and  I'm certified by the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching. I've spent the last decade training as a professional coach, graduating from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, the Health Coach Institute, and the Health & Wellness Coaching Academy.

Health & Wellness Coach (HWCA)

Life Coach (HCI)


Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (IIN)

Health Coach (HCI)

Holistic Body Coach (MV)

Brittany as a young child

Growing up, I was a relatively healthy and happy kid. I received good grades, participated actively in sports, and maintained a dynamic lifestyle. Around age 12, suddenly, I found myself struggling to stay awake in school. In fact, I was struggling to stay awake during anything that involved sitting sedentary (ex. riding in a car, watching tv, reading a book...etc).

A Slice of my Story

Life w/ Chronic Illness 

During school, not long after settling into into class, a mild drowsiness would set in. As time passed, the sleepiness would gradually intensify, placing me in a battle to keep my eyes open. I fought to stay alert, even somehow continuing to fight it internally after drifting off. When class finally ended, I would somehow snap back to full alertness, like a flick of a switch, and seamlessly carry on to the next class.

Adding to the new-found attacks of sleep were a few other challenging symptoms, one in particular being a sudden loss of muscle control, triggered by laughter or strong emotions. After 2 years of doctors visits and tests, I was clinically diagnosed with Narcolepsy (with cataplexy), which they referred to as a sleeping disorder. I was prescribed medication to help lessen the effects of a couple of my symptoms.

It’s been over 20 years since then, and any high-quality professional help or guidance was limited, especially during the rest of my childhood. I did the best I could to manage a mostly invisible, very often misunderstood condition. My symptoms gradually revealed different depths and angles over the years, presenting unique challenges in all the different aspects of life. Due to advancements in scientific research, my current diagnosis is technically Narcolepsy Type 1, and more commonly referred to as a chronic neurological disorder affecting the Central Nervous System. Type 1 recognizes my variety of symptoms and paints a clearer picture of what was most-likely the initial root cause (more about that to come in the future for those interested).

Over time, I've learned ways to complement my conventional medicine with behavior and lifestyle adjustments, right along with a holistic approach to health. Some examples include: aiming for a particular diet, being self-aware, practicing a range of mind/body/energy therapies, staying physically active, being consistent with a personalized routine, following my passions, and having a solid connection with the ones who I love and trust. Also, very importantly, I am my own health advocate. All of this together gives me my power back.

Brittany in nature while camping in Enosburgh Falls, Vermont

My Symptoms of NT1 Include:
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS)


Hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations

Sleep paralysis

Lucid dreaming

Automatic behavior

Disordered eating

Fragmented sleep

Early onset REM

Depressive episodes

Information about the coach

I am far from claiming perfection. Some days, weeks, and months flow more smoothly than others. Life presents it’s challenges, and these are some damn trying times for everybody. Each person is a work of art in the making, constantly learning and hopefully evolving in this "Earth School". As for me, one thing is certain... When I consistently practice self-care...and provide love to my body, mind, & soul with pure intention, I become better equipped to show up in life as a greatly improved & more content version of ME.

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